MPD Partners stands for Modern Portfolio Diversification Partners as designed in early 2009 by an international team of Investment Managers, Bankers and SME management professionals. The pillars of its scope are building on excellence to select and assist in developing private companies. The team decided to start MPD activities in 2013 when it focused on securing market leading results in the SME investing and management lifecycle

Focus area

Our expertise focus on giving value to a small and medium enterprises. We excel on industrials sector, digital transformation and consumer goods. We recently opened our services to ventures who strive to grow internationally.


The industrial sector, often at the root of consumer goods production, is typically based on medium/long term relationships and contracts.

Profitability is driven by demand, operations efficiency and ability to negotiate: our hands-on and strategic competence give us an edge in helping stabilize a long term growth. We give industrial businesses what they need to efficiently deploy investors’ money.

Venture Capital

MPD is shareholders of iStarter, a successful accelerator based in London, UK, with outstanding abilities in finding and coaching later stage startups with the most realistic projects and the most skilled teams.

The large shareholders base of iStarter is selected to fund, structure and mentor the most promising startups.

Consumer Goods and Services

Consumer goods and services are easy to understand for our stakeholders, because they are part of their living experience. We add our strategic competence, analysis experience and ongoing monitoring to improve performance.

We target companies with stable revenues with the aim of improving sustainable growth and satisfying internal and external stakeholder expectations.

Digital Transformation

The information technology as well as the Digital sector are fast moving in the current global landscape. We have entered this industry as executives side-by-side with management to help moving to the next level and becoming leaders instead of followers.

We shape all companies value drivers and management processes: sales, purchasing, financial control, operational and selling costs, financing optimisation, subsidies, human resources planning, R&D.

In this approach, we bring innovative fundraising avenues sustaining the development of new technologies and services.

Information related to MPD Partners Italian subsidiary MPD RE Italia, pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 125 of Law No. 124 of August 4, 2017

In relation to the provisions of Article 1, paragraph 125-bis, of Law no. 124/2017, concerning the obligation to give evidence on the corporate website of any sums of money received during the financial year by way of grants, subsidies, advantages, contributions or subsidies, benefits, contributions or aid, in cash or in kind, from public administrations and the entities referred to in paragraph 125-bis of the same article, the The Company certifies that it has received the following amounts, already indicated in the National Register of State Aid:

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